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Choosing to affiliate with and to support a synagogue transforms a family into a more active and engaged member of our larger Jewish community. 

Founded in 1970, Congregation B’nai Yisrael is a Reform congregation with over 330 family members. CBY is the center of Jewish life in Armonk, and as a neighborhood synagogue, we form a bond among our member families. Our synagogue serves as a spiritual and a social center where individuals fulfill their religious needs and find meaning in Judaism at every stage of life. 

To learn more about our CBY community, we invite your family to come celebrate Shabbat on a Friday night in our sanctuary.  Weekly Shabbat service times can be found on our calendar. High Holy Day Tickets are also available to prospective members. 

Membership for Young Families

Beginning this year we have a special new membership plan for families whose oldest child is in 2nd grade or younger. We are offering full membership to families with young children at a reduced rate:

Oldest Child 2nd grade or younger – $815.00
Families who register prior to Grade 3 receive discounts on JID Tuition for Grades 3, 4, and 5.

By choosing to join CBY through our young family program, you will have full membership in our congregation. This includes life-cycle events and free registration for our school programs from K-2nd grade. In addition, you will receive High Holy Day passes for you and your family. This membership level is available for a maximum of four years.

Group Memberships

Do you know another family looking to find their spiritual home? Families that join in groups of 2 or more may receive reduced dues after three years of membership.

Contact our clergy for more information on becoming a member of our CBY family. If you are ready to join, please fill out the form below. 

Adult 1

Adult 2


Contact Information


Business Information (Adult 1)

Business Information (Adult 2)


Other Information

I/We hereby apply for membership in Congregation B'nai Yisrael, in accordance with the By-laws of the Congregation. 


Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785