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Posts by Rabbi Josh Weinberg

Rabbi Josh Weinberg (he/him) serves as the Vice President of the URJ for Israel and Reform Zionism and is the Executive Director of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America.

Follow his thoughts on the War in Israel and other issues confronting American Jews here.


Together We Mourn

Dear CBY Friends,

Below are two items I think are worth your attention.

First, our congregation’s founding rabbi, Douglas Krantz, and our second president, John Stern, both alerted me to the key behind-the-scenes role that Rabbi Daniel Wolk, who died last week, played in the founding of our congregation. Click here to learn more and for information about a memorial service for Rabbi Wolk.

And second,...

Registration Open for the 2024/25 School Year

Thank you for allowing the staff and clergy of CBY to help guide your child on their journey as they seek to develop their Jewish identity. Registration is now open for the 2024/25 school year. Click here to learn more!


Get Cookin' with CBY

From Matzo Balls to Grilled Sangria. This book has it all! Recipes from CBY members for CBY members. 

Traditional and new recipes from your CBY family.

Click here for more information.


CBY Needs Your Support

"Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah"
– Jerusalem Talmud, Pe'ah 1:1
Dear friends,


That amount helps bridge the gap between what dues and tuition cover, and what they don’t.

That is the goal of the Annual Appeal; to bridge the gap. It is not a luxury, but a critical part of our annual budget.

If every family in the congregation...

Shinshinim at CBY

Students enrolled in the 2019/20 JID year will have the opportunity to work and connect with two Shinshinim - recent high school graduates from Israel who are taking a year off before fulfilling their military obligations back in Israel. Elian and Shai will work in our classrooms and give students a perspective that they have yet to experience.  

We invite you to learn more about this program by clicking here.


Jewish Education and Jewish Identity Development: Is There a Difference?

The following appeared in E-Jewish Philanthropy

By Melissa Cohavi

As someone who has been involved in the Jewish education world for over 20 years, when I took a position four years ago as the Director of Jewish Identity Development (at Congregation B’nai Yisrael in Armonk, New York), at first I saw no difference between Jewish education and Jewish identity development. But four years later I can say now that there is a...Read more...

Israel is Real at CBY

By Melissa Cohavi, JID Director

There are so many exciting changes coming to CBY starting in the fall of 2019, and one is so great that I feel I need to shout it from the rooftops. The JID program will be participating in a Westchester community program (run through the Westchester Jewish Council) where our 4th through 7th graders will have young Israeli emissaries in their classrooms each week. You may be thinking, how is this...Read more...

CBY is Armonk's Neighborhood Congregation


Founded in 1969, Congregation B’nai Yisrael is a Reform congregation with over 330 family members. CBY is the center of Jewish life in Armonk, and as a neighborhood synagogue, we form a bond among our member families. Our synagogue serves as a spiritual and a social center where individuals fulfill their religious needs and find meaning in Judaism at every stage of life. 

With various and innovative programs, CBY...

Get Cooking With CBY

Fifteen years ago Congregation B'nai Yisrael created Delicious Dishes, a cookbook based on recipes collected by members of our community.

Now, as we enter our 50th Anniversary, we want to do it all over again and invite you to share your family secrets with us, your CBY family.

Click here to learn more.


High Holy Day Sermons

We invite you to click the links below to view or read Rabbi Strom’s sermons from the High Holy Days. 

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah

Kol Nidre 

Yom Kippur 

For information about how you may join the Congregation B’nai Yisrael community, please email


Bonni Stanley to Receive 2018 Peyser Award

Congregation B’nai Yisrael is pleased to announce that Bonni Stanley will receive the 2018 Peyser Award for her steadfast dedication to our community. 

A member since 1999, Bonni has served on as a member of our Board of Trustees and as an Officer on our Executive Committee. Bonni currently is a member of the Religious Practices Committee and Chair of our Events Committee, overseeing a host of year-round fundraising...Read more...

Midnight Run 2018

Saturday, December 15 at 12:00pm

Join us as we prepare for the Midnight Run. 

Sign up here to donate food for lunches, dinner & new clothing which will be distributed during the actual run that evening!  If you would like to come help pack lunches & toiletry kits or organize clothing donations in preparation for the run, you can sign up below or just show up at noon on December 2nd!


ChallahPalooza 2018

Thursday, November 1 at 7:30pm

Space is limited.

$18 per person (to cover cost of supplies)
All ages welcome

Join a couple of Master Bakers (#notreallybakers) for a hands-on experience that you’ll absolutely knead going forward in life. We will braid challah dough, sample the finished product, and make dough to take home for our families. Part Julia Child, one part Swedish Chef from the Muppets,...Read more...

Letting Go with Melissa Cohavi and Shari Applebaum

First Session: Thursday, October 25 at 7:30pm

 If this is you, join Melissa Cohavi, LMSW and Shari Applebaum, two empty nesting parents to talk about these issues and more. Our young adult children are searching for their own identities and independence. As people who have taken care of them their entire lives, how do we adapt? We will also look at how Jewish values can support us in this new life stage. 

Members: no...

D’var Torah by Melissa Cohavi, Director – Jewish Identity Development Program

During the month of July, I had the opportunity to participate in the Bergman Progressive Jewish Educators Seminar in Israel.  The Bergman Seminar is an intensive professional development seminar affiliated with the World Union for...Read more...

2018 JETY Award Winner: Julia Zimmerman

Congratulations Julia Zimmerman 2018 Brotherhood JETY Award Winner!

The CBY Brotherhood is pleased to honor Julia Zimmerman as the 2018 recipient of the Brotherhood’s Jewish Teen Youth (JETY) award which recognizes high school juniors and seniors who have...Read more...

The Capital Campaign Is Going Strong

“To build for the future of CBY”
“I am thankful for those who have come before who supported our congregation. I am forever grateful that my kids were able to be part of a local congregation…..and now strongly believe that it is my...Read more...

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785