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The great Talmudic sage, Ben Beg Bag, taught us that the words of the Torah are to be turned over and over again.  Simply put, we need to think, to read carefully, and to apply our own life experience to understand the words of our tradition. 

Congregation B’nai Yisrael is a home for our families to share their journey and to discover, create, and learn together.  Our adult education program offers every member of our community an opportunity to strengthen his or her Jewish identity through weekly, month, and yearly study opportunities.

Torah Study
Saturday Mornings, 9:00am.  September-June
Every non-holiday Shabbat morning our clergy lead an informal, participatory discussion of the week’s Torah portion. You can come every week or just once in a while. This class will take place virtually throughout the COVID Pandemic

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Sh'vat 5785